Hey I am currently running a cycle of test cyp AP and BD deca for a bulking cycle and I have got to say this is the most gains I have made on any cycle to date. My strenght is scary I feel like my joints will not be able to keep up for long. I have broken every personal record lift by more than 15 lbs and on some 50 lbs. I am couldn't feel better. What is funny is I am only have way through and not even running high does. I am on 500mgs of test cyp and 250mgs of Deca. This stuff is off the grid. Thanks for providing quality products WP. Keep up the good work.
WP, you have some of the best customer service on the planet. I have had the opportunity to try your winny and it was extremly smooth going in and what amazing results it produce. I should be recieving some more goodies in the mail and will post up pics when I get them from your shop. WP is the only way to go!!!