In laymans terms...
Providing you have 5000 ius of HCG, you would remove 1ml of BAC water and inject it slowly into your vial of Hcg allowing them to mix slowly together. Then remove the premixed solution and transfer it into a sterile 10ml or larger vial. Now add an additional 9 mls of BAC water into the solution.
Thus giving you 10mls of Hcg. Each 1ml is 500 ius of solution.
Hcg is administered near the belly button SubQ, typical 2 finger widths away w a insulin pin which can vary slightly. Personnelly preference 29g. X 1/2 inch. .5 cc pin.
With the above method of mixing you would have 250ius in the above mentioned pin at the 50 mark.
All posts are for educational purposes only! Statements made are opinions. Consult with your physician before taking any dietary supplements or beginning any exercise program.